StringWriter mit anderem Encoding

Vor einer ganzen Weile habe ich mal die StringWriter-Klasse empfohlen.
Die StringWriter-Klasse nutzt intern UTF-16, wodurch zum Beispiel bei der Xml-Serialisierung von Klassen auch das Ergebnis in UTF-16 vorliegt. Dies ist nicht zwangsläufig gewünscht, bei mir hat dadurch ein Backend-Service gestreikt.
Um trotzdem den StringWriter weiter zu verwenden, muss man sich eine eigene Klasse schreiben, welche von der StringWriter ableitet und das Encoding-Property überschreibt:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace Utilities.IO

	/// <summary>
	/// 	A simple class derived from StringWriter, but which allows
	/// 	the user to select which Encoding is used. This is most
	/// 	likely to be used with XmlTextWriter, which uses the Encoding
	/// 	property to determine which encoding to specify in the XML.
	/// </summary>
	public class StringWriterWithEncoding : StringWriter
		private Encoding _encoding;

		/// <summary>
		/// 	Initializes a new instance of the StringWriterWithEncoding class
		/// 	with the specified encoding.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "encoding">The encoding to report.</param>
		public StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding encoding)
			: base()
			this._encoding = encoding;

		/// <summary>
		/// 	Initializes a new instance of the StringWriter class with the 
		/// 	specified format control and encoding.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "encoding">The encoding to report.</param>
		/// <param name = "formatProvider">An IFormatProvider object that controls formatting.</param>
		public StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding encoding, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
			: base(formatProvider)
			this._encoding = encoding;

		/// <summary>
		/// 	Initializes a new instance of the StringWriter class that writes to the
		/// 	specified StringBuilder, and reports the specified encoding.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "encoding">The encoding to report.</param>
		/// <param name = "sb">The StringBuilder to write to. </param>
		public StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding encoding, StringBuilder sb)
			: base(sb)
			this._encoding = encoding;

		/// <summary>
		/// 	Initializes a new instance of the StringWriter class that writes to the specified 
		/// 	StringBuilder, has the specified format provider, and reports the specified encoding.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "encoding">The encoding to report.</param>
		/// <param name = "sb">The StringBuilder to write to. </param>
		/// <param name = "formatProvider">An IFormatProvider object that controls formatting.</param>
		public StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding encoding, StringBuilder sb, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
			: base(sb, formatProvider)
			this._encoding = encoding;

		/// <summary>
		/// 	Gets the Encoding in which the output is written.
		/// </summary>
		public override Encoding Encoding
			get { return this._encoding; }

Habe die Klasse mal um Kommentare erweitert.

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